A jak na kolei amerykanskiej wyglada sprawa oswietlenia lokomotyw podczas jazdy pociagowej i manewrow? Mam do przerobienia elektryke w mojej GP50 i chce zrobic "zgodnie z norma na dzien dzisiejszy".
Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 49, Volume 4]
[Revised as of October 1, 2008]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 49CFR229.125]
[Page 452-453]
Subpart C_Safety Requirements
Sec. 229.125 Headlights and auxiliary lights.
(a) Each lead locomotive used in road service shall have a headlight
that produces a peak intensity of at least 200,000 candela. If a
locomotive or locomotive consist in road service is regularly required
to run backward for any portion of its trip other than to pick up a
detached portion of its train or to make terminal movements, it shall
also have on its rear a headlight that produces at least 200,000
candela. Each headlight shall be arranged to illuminate a person at
least 800 feet ahead and in front of the headlight. For purposes of this
section, a headlight shall be comprised of either one or two lamps.
(1) If a locomotive is equipped with a single-lamp headlight, the
single lamp shall produce a peak intensity of at least 200,000 candela.
The following lamps meet the standard set forth in this paragraph
(a)(1): a single operative PAR-56, 200-watt, 30-volt lamp; or an
operative lamp of equivalent design and intensity.
(2) If a locomotive is equipped with a dual-lamp headlight, a peak
intensity of at least 200,000 candela shall be produced by the headlight
based either on a single lamp capable of individually producing the
required peak intensity or on the candela produced by the headlight with
both lamps illuminated. If both lamps are needed to produce the required
peak intensity, then both lamps in the headlight shall be operational.
The following lamps meet the standard set forth in this paragraph
(a)(2): a single operative PAR-56, 200-watt, 30-volt lamp; two operative
PAR-56, 350-watt, 75-volt lamps; or operative lamp(s) of equivalent
design and intensity.
(b) Each locomotive or locomotive consist used in yard service shall
have two headlights, one located on the front of the locomotive or
locomotive consist and one on its rear. Each headlight shall produce at
least 60,000 candela and shall be arranged to illuminate a person at
least 300 feet ahead and in front of the headlight.
(c) Headlights shall be provided with a device to dim the light.
(d) Effective December 31, 1997, each lead locomotive operated at a
speed greater than 20 miles per hour over one or more public highway-
rail crossings shall be equipped with operative auxiliary lights, in
addition to the headlight required by paragraph (a) or (b) of this
section. A locomotive equipped on March 6, 1996 with auxiliary lights in
conformance with Sec. 229.133 shall be deemed to conform to this
section until March 6, 2000. All locomotives in compliance with Sec.
229.133(c) shall be deemed to conform to this section. Auxiliary lights
shall be composed as follows:
(1) Two white auxiliary lights shall be placed at the front of the
locomotive to form a triangle with the headlight.
(i) The auxiliary lights shall be at least 36 inches above the top
of the rail, except on MU locomotives and control cab locomotives where
such placement would compromise the integrity of the car body or be
otherwise impractical. Auxiliary lights on such MU locomotives and
control cab locomotives shall be at least 24 inches above the top of the
(ii) The auxiliary lights shall be spaced at least 36 inches apart
if the vertical distance from the headlight to the horizontal axis of
the auxiliary lights is 60 inches or more.
(iii) The auxiliary lights shall be spaced at least 60 inches apart
if the vertical distance from the headlight to the horizontal axis of
the auxiliary lights is less than 60 inches.
(2) Each auxiliary light shall produce a peak intensity of at least
200,000 candela or shall produce at least 3,000 candela at an angle of
7.5 degrees and at least 400 candela at an angle of 20 degrees from the centerline of the locomotive when the light is aimed parallel to the tracks. Any of the following lamps meet the standard set forth in this paragraph (d)(2): an
operative PAR-56, 200-watt, 30-volt lamp; an operative PAR-56, 350-watt,
75-volt lamp; or an operative lamp of equivalent design and intensity.
(3) The auxiliary lights shall be focused horizontally within 15
degrees of the longitudinal centerline of the locomotive.
(e) Auxiliary lights required by paragraph (d) of this section may
be arranged
(1) to burn steadily or
(2) flash on approach to a crossing.
If the auxiliary lights are arranged to flash;
(i) they shall flash alternately at a rate of at least 40 flashes
per minute and at most 180 flashes per minute,
(ii) the railroad's operating rules shall set a standard procedure
for use of flashing lights at public highway-rail grade crossings, and
(iii) the flashing feature may be activated automatically, but shall
be capable of manual activation and deactivation by the locomotive
(f) Auxiliary lights required by paragraph (d) of this section shall
be continuously illuminated immediately prior to and during movement of
the locomotive, except as provided by railroad operating rules,
timetable or special instructions, unless such exception is disapproved
by FRA. A railroad may except use of auxiliary lights at a specific
public highway-rail grade crossing by designating that exception in the
railroad's operating rules, timetable, or a special order. Any exception
from use of auxiliary lights at a specific public grade crossing can be
disapproved for a stated cause by FRA's Associate Administrator for
Safety or any one of FRA's Regional Administrators, after investigation
by FRA and opportunity for response from the railroad.
(g) Movement of locomotives with defective auxiliary lights.
(1) A lead locomotive with only one failed auxiliary light must be
repaired or switched to a trailing position before departure from the
place where an initial terminal inspection is required for that train.
(2) A locomotive with only one auxiliary light that has failed after
departure from an initial terminal, must be repaired not later than the
next calendar inspection required by Sec. 229.21.
(3) A lead locomotive with two failed auxiliary lights may only
proceed to the next place where repairs can be made. This movement must
be consistent with Sec. 229.9.
(h) Any locomotive subject to Part 229, that was built before
December 31, 1948, and that is not used regularly in commuter or
intercity passenger service, shall be considered historic equipment and
excepted from the requirements of paragraphs (d) through (h) of this
[45 FR 21109, Mar. 31, 1980, as amended at 61 FR 8887, Mar. 6, 1996; 68
FR 49717, Aug. 19, 2003; 69 FR 12537, Mar. 16, 2004]
Kilka punktow tak zeby bylo prosto (nie ma co probowac calosci tlumaczyc);
Lokomotywy w normalnym serwisie powinny miec lampe (lampy podwojne), oraz "auxiliary lights"-popularnie nazywane ditch lights. Swiatla zaraz przed uruchomieniem i w czasie ruchu powinny byc zapalone.
Lokomotywy w serwisie manewrowym powinny miec wymienione swiatla z obu stron.
"Ditch lights" (nazwa sugeruje swiatla oswietlajace rowy kolo torow) powinny migac przy zblizaniu sie do przejazdu kolejowego.
Ditch lights moga powinny migac alternatywnie minimum 40 razy na minute, nie wiecej niz (maximum) 180 razy na minute.
Oprucz istnienia mozliwosci automatycznego migania "ditch lights", powinna byc mozliwosc wlaczenia i wylaczenie przez maszyniste.
Ditch lights powinny byc oddalone od siebie co najmniej 36 cali, jesli dystans od glownej lampy jest wiekszy niz 60 cali pomiedzy lampa a linia horyzontalna (pozioma) ditch lights.
Ditch lights powinny byc oddalone od siebie co najmniej 60 cali jesli pionowy dystans od glownej lampy do linii poziomej ditch lights jest mniejszy niz 60 cali.
Lokomotywy pelniace sluzbe o predkosci mniejszej niz 20mph (mil na godzine) mie musza miec zainstalowanych ditch lights. Dotyczy to takze lokomotyw w serwisie turystycznym (wiekszosc kolei turystycznych w USA nie nalezy do systemu ogolnokrajowego).
Lokomotywy zbudowane przed 31 grudniem, 1948r. nie uzywane w normalnym serwisie pasazerskim, sa uwazane za historyczne i nie musza miec zainstalowanych ditch lights.
Mam nadzieje ze troche pomoglo. Z wlasnych doswiadczen dodam ze wiele maszynistow pociagow towarowych, lubi jezdzic "po staremu" i nie zapalaja pod czas jazdy ditch lights. Zapalaja je tylko w trybie migajacym na przejazdach kolejowych. Kompanie towarowe sa prywatne i posiadaja wlasne linie kolejowe takze przywatne, za tem pozwalaja sobie na wlasna interpretacje tych praw.